Help Wanted

HELP WANTED: someone, a softness, some sort of savior, to remind me of things  
like gaussian blur and lilacs and baby teeth, like the word periwinkle and the flesh 
between a thumb and an index finger, to hold me, here; someone, who will trace over  
the faint spider vein on my right leg with a sweet fingernail, a lightness, almost  
tickling a little; someone who will look at me like they would a hummingbird; 
who will hold the tremble in my voice in their hands like it is water; who will 
let me simmer for as long as i need, and just wait, right over there for me. 
for further inquiry, please reach out to me by writing my name on a slip of paper,  
folding it twice, and using it to steep your tea. it will taste like desire and honey. 



Madeline Langan is an artist, writer, and architecture student pursuing her Bachelor of Architecture with a minor in Literature and Writing from Pratt Institute. Her work is forthcoming in the Ghost City Review, Winnow, and elsewhere. She can also be found modeling tiny houses, watering her plants, and on