Wasps Fuck Inside Figs and Die There

Wrongly labeled fruit, I’m actually a flower,
inverted to bloom internally, blossoms
turning to the sweet seeds you crave. It wasn’t
an apple but my golden skin that tempted
Eve, that slick snake winding smoothly
through my branches, beckoning her close.
But who can blame her? Wanting my sweetness
on her tongue, wanting my taste on her lips. 
Adam followed her lead and soon they were
both damned, kicked out of the garden,
my honeyed flower taken from them before
they were sated. After you’ve tasted the salt
of your lover’s skin you eat me, swallow
the sweetness as you lay in bed. You are
in your own Garden of Eden, no snake
to tempt you, just your lover’s bright smile
and inked skin. After he’s feasted on you
he will feast on me, never once concerned
about the wasps, only wanting more. 



Courtney LeBlanc is the author of Her Whole Bright Life (winner of the Jack McCarthy Book Prize), Exquisite Bloody, Beating Heart, and Beautiful & Full of Monsters. She loves nail polish, a soy latte each morning, and tattoos. Find her online at courtneyleblanc.com.